
Richard E Douthwaite

Richard obtained a PhD supervised by Prof Malcolm LH Green at the University of Oxford studying the inorganic chemistry of Buckminsterfullerene. Postdoctoral work with Prof. Peter T Wolczanski at Cornell University was followed by research fellowships at the University of Oxford and University of Birmingham investigating and applying molecular and materials synthetic inorganic chemistry, before permanent appointment at the University of York. Current research is focused on the synthesis, understanding, and application of catalytic complexes and materials powered by renewable energy. 

Teaching primarily comprises small group teaching and laboratories across inorganic and physical chemistry, and core inorganic lecture topics including metal-ligand bonding, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and inorganic materials chemistry, with past contributions to various option topics including inorganic polymers, and the origin of the elements and minerals.

Citizenship duties at York have included chair of graduate school, inorganic section leader, one-to-one mentoring of staff and students including > 100 undergraduates, infrastructure design and build projects, and various departmental and university committees focused on personnel, teaching and research strategies, and widening participation of First in Generation and Working-Class students. Externally, activities include national and international funding agency panel membership and refereeing across UK (>100 EPSRC proposals), Asia, Europe, and North America for research projects and strategic capital, and public and school lectures focused on the impact of chemistry in society.